If you've been following me on Instagram or on my Art Box Newsletter then you already know that I’ve been hard at work on something really exciting – my newest product... which we're now calling: "Wildlife Workflow Guide Vol 1".
I've been working on 12 paintings initially for this guide, but I've decided to go ahead and release the first 6 as volume 1 and release the next set as volume 2 in a couple of months. Releasing it in two parts has several advantages. It will keep you from becoming overwhelmed with TWELVE new painting projects all at once, it will allow me to spend a bit more time on a few of the paintings, and it will allow me to offer the product at a lower cost. 👍
So What is The Wildlife Workflow Guide?
This guide is designed to help you draw and paint animals step-by-step! This product is packed with layered guides that walk you through each stage, from initial sketches to final painted pieces.
I’ve always loved drawing wildlife with a combination of realism and abstract art, and this guide is a way for me to share that workflow with you. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get comfortable with animal anatomy or an intermediate artist aiming to improve your wildlife painting techniques, this product will take you through each stage with clear, easy-to-follow instructions.

Leave a comment below and let me know what you are most excited about seeing in the guide. 😊
Thanks so much for your support! Stay tuned for more updates – The Wildlife Workflow Guide will be ready VERY soon!

Hi Nate, Thank you for all the stuff you put out. I did a lot of art when I was a very young kid but I fell out of it in my late teens. I discovered the digital art last spring at 37 years old. Outside of some basic drawing apps and stuff I never really tried to make a digital painting. I saw your fox tutorial on YouTube and it was the first one I ever did. I really enjoy the videos and classes.
Nathan Brown Art replied:
Hey Nick! Thanks so much for the comment. Very happy to hear that my video played a role in getting you started on your digital art journey. Looking forward to seeing what you make along the way!
I can’t wait for this! I love drawing animals and it’s one area I want to focus on! I can’t wait!
Nathan Brown Art replied:
I do too! Animals make such great subjects, and have such a universal appeal.
Great stuff mate, thank you.
Nathan Brown Art replied:
Thanks so much!
Can’t wait for the new product! (Also—you have “sneak peek” spelled wrong at the top 🙊 )
Nathan Brown Art replied:
Oops! I corrected it. Thanks Jules! ☺️